ability to change the world lies in
our hands, minds, hearts, bodies and spirit.
It's not only that we can make a difference:
it's that we do make the difference.
are some of Trinity's outreach
- Martha's
Table: Every other month,
Trinity members make over 1000
sandwiches, which we deliver to Martha's Table homeless shelter in
Washington DC.
- Marlboro
Food Bank:
Trinity houses the Marlboro Food Bank, which is supported by Trinity
and seven other area churches. Every month food is collected, sorted,
bagged and distributed to our neighbors in need.
- Food
Bank Breakfasts:
Rotating among some partner churches, Trinity provides a
hot breakfast during the Saturday distribution to
our food bank clients.
- Thanksgiving
This initiative provides a Thanksgiving Turkey and fixings for our Food
Bank families.
- Gifting
Tree/Holiday Breakfast:
Trinity parishioners buy Christmas gifts for
needy families and host a Holiday Breakfast where Santa hands out the
- Bishop
John T. Walker School (BWS):
This Episcopal school for boys in Southeast Washington D.C. is
supported by Trinity parishioners' Lenten contributions.
- Christmas
in April:
Trinity dedicates outreach funds, and parishioners fix up the house of
a local citizen.
- African
Team Ministries:
Each May, Trinity sponsors the sale of jewelry and crafts hand-made by
African women to support East African orphans.
with Santa
Bank Distribution
in April